Thursday, July 17, 2014

Carrot cake night

Today we decided to bake a cake since it was a claudy/ rainy day here in Houston. That cake turn put to be delicious, we put extra coconut and almonds to enhance the flavor. Nothing better than some good old home made carrot cake. ##only one piece## cheat treat## yesterday ended last nigth##

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My first post.. how exiting

Hello, my name is Diana, and I am a full time student, full time mom, wife, sister, daughter and more. I know the story of our lives, so I am just a woman. I ma exited to create this blog for moms like me, who just want to share, and chat about life's biggest moments. No knife more moving is because I am on a journey to wellness, that is a weight loss journey. After having my third babay and not being able to loss weight I considered having a lapband, or even a tummy tuck. However, after learning about the dangers of surgery (any) I decided to move around some more, and eat cleaner, healthier. Today I have lost 30 pounds, and I am on my way to a better me. Join me in my way to success.